
The first time Kai had seen her, he was laying on the sandy shore, unsure of how had had gotten there. His hair was a damp and tangled mess. Sand stuck to him and itched at his skin. His swim shorts were heavy with water still clinging to the fabric. He slowly sat up, his body aching. He had been surfing…and then what?

He couldn’t remember.

Images of the waves crashing over him, and his board bobbing up to the surface, flashed in his mind. Something had hit against his head hard. Then it all went black. He pressed a hand to the back of his head, pain shot through him. He gasped, holding up his hand. It was sticky with blood. He stared at it in horror.

Kai wasn’t scared of many things, but blood happened to be one of them. He tightened his jaw and tried not to scream. He closed his eyes, once or twice, and took in a few breaths. He glanced down at his bloody hand again, and told himself not to freak out. He needed to go to the hospital. He needed to get help.

He brought himself up, almost stumbling in the sand. He thought he could hear laughter behind him. A wave splashed against his feet; cold. He turned around — and that was when he saw her.

She was in the shallow depths. Her hair ink black, eyes the same color of the salty water. She smirked at him, a laugh still playing on her red lips. The gray tail she had splashed behind her. He could only stare.

Kai had heard legends of mermaids countless times before. Some say they would lure sailors into the sea, and drown them just for fun. Fun. Other’s go with the more nicer, sweeter version; that they were harmless, playful, and beautiful creatures. He wasn’t sure which to believe. The later was surely the better one, but by the looks of her, the other seemed more fitting.

“Did you save me?” He asked her. She titled her head at him, as if confused. “I almost drowned, didn’t I?” She said nothing. He closed his mouth. Maybe she couldn’t understand him?

She swam closer. But then something else clicked in her mind, and she spun around. She jumped back into the water, being swallowed by it. Kai could only watch in confusion.

Little did he know, he would see her again very soon.

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