Fish Tail

A petite girl stomped through the water of the lake, a taller boy following behind her. “Dane,” she hissed. “I don’t want to do this.” She wore a white laced dress with a matching sunhat tied to her chin with a ribbon. Her hair fell down to her mid-back in blonde waves. She held her dress up as she treaded into the water, now almost to her knees.

“We don’t have much of a choice here, Annabelle.” He stated. He had the same shade of blonde hair, cropped neatly at the nape of his neck. His wavy fringe was brushed over his forehead at an angle. He wore a brown buttoned jacket and black pants.

“It’s so cold…and wet.” She muttered, pulling her arms around her chest. She shivered slightly.

“I know,” Dane agreed. “But we need to do this.” He straightened his posture. The way he towered over her, might cause people to assume that she was a child, but they, in fact, were almost the same age.

“Fine…” Annabelle whispered. She pulled out something from her dress pocket. It gleamed under the moon’s light. “Tell me when.”

They stopped. The water was at her waist, and his knees.

He thought for a moment, calculated. With a quick glance to his watch, he said, “Now.”

She threw the item into the water. It was a blue pendant that same color of the water. It sank to the bottom slowly. Within a few seconds, the sapphire couldn’t be seen under the murky waters. Annabelle looked to Dane, “What do we do now?”

“We wait,” he replied.

So they did.
The water began to boil where the pendant was dropped. It was almost as something was simmering deep under. Annabelle stared at it in amazement, while Dane only nodded to himself. He counted exactly a minute, then he yelled, “Go! Say the words. Quick.”

Bubble, bubble, the water may be,

now please return the prize to me,

since I have returned me pendant to thee.

She chanted words in precise order. They had practiced it all morning for the very moment. She couldn’t mess it up now.

The bubbling stopped.

Annabelle let out a breath of relief. Dane put a hand on her shoulder, “You did well, Sister.” He said, smiling.

She let out a bitter laugh, “Keep telling me that after that demon is summoned.” She rubbed her cold fingers together for warmth. It made very little difference. She sighed.

“It’s a mermaid, not a demon. There is a slight different.” Dane said, staring into the depths of the water. Something flashed in his vision. A fish tail.

Annabelle shook her head. “Barely.”

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